The nine-day-long renowned festival of Jagannath Rath Yatra has commenced today in Puri. Lakhs of devotees participate in the festival which mainly consists of pulling the sacred chariots of Hindu deities, Lord Jagannath, Balaram, and Subhadra. Tight security arrangements have
Kerala tourism has organized a roadshow in Bhubaneswar to attract domestic travellers from the state.
Following the announcement of National Water Ways by the Union Ministry, the West Bengal government
Department of Tourism and Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation, Government of Rajasthan, along with Elets Technomedia
In an interactive session organized at Fortune Murali Park on Thursday, Kerala Tourism department invited
The tourism department of Dehradun has decided to hold a mini conclave on tourism and
The FIFA World Cup has helped “destroy stereotypes” about Russia and is expected to boost
Sikkim Tourism has bagged an award for “Best Eco-Tourism Destination” from the North-East together with
The government of Gujarat is planning to promote Ayurvedic tourism, learnt from the success story
The Resilience Through Tourism Summit (RTTS), an international conference that took place in Amman earlier this
“LDF Government will generate 5 lakhs job opportunities in the tourism sector during its tenure,”
Six wetlands in five districts in the Konkan region of Maharashtra to be declared ecotourism
The programmes to go along with the much awaited International Ayush Conclave (IAC 2018), which
With an aim to attract nature lovers to state, Odisha has laid focus on development of
Hyatt hotels announced its plan to eliminate single-use plastic straws and drink picks. After Sept.