Tamil Nadu bans ‘one-time use and throwaway plastics’ in the state, with effect from the new year day of 2019. It was announced by Edapadi K. Palanisamy , Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in the Legislative Assembly. Orders have already
Philippine Airlines (PAL) is planning to resume services to Delhi in early 2019 with an aim
The Remutaka (Rimutaka) Cycle Trail is one of New Zealand’s Great Rides, and a part
The Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI) seeks assistance the of tourism
The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has envisaged a plan for replacement of all
Lemon Tree Hotels said it will be operating 85 hotels with 8,674 rooms across 57
The local government in Venice is planning to charge day-trippers for access to the city’s
At present there are 21 Central Institutes of Hotel Management (CIHMs) in the country including
Japan Tourism is targeting LGBT tourists from abroad to take advantage of their tendency to
While the entire world is about to bid adieu to year 2018, the people of
After a slowdown, following the flood during August, the tourism sector of Ernakulam is going
The Belum caves, one of the longest caves on the plains of India, are located
As part of the new funding scheme of ‘Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of New
A three-storey highway bridge is built near Taiyuan city in China. It is located in
A magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit the eastern Indonesian province of West Papua today, causing nervous