
The tourism sector awakens; tourists flow to Wayanad

With the opening of tourist destinations, the number of tourists visiting the district has increased. Hundreds of vehicles and thousands of passengers have arrived in the district in recent days. The resorts in the district were ‘house full’ along with the tourist attractions on the weekends days.

According to the DTPC, 17592 tourists visited Pookot Lake in the last six days. About two thousand tourists arrived on Thursday. Thousands of tourists also visited other DTPC tourist destinations. Along with this, places like Chembra Peak, Banasura Dam, and Meenmutty Falls also experienced a good crowd. All the resorts in the district were reserved before Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. At the same time, the homestays were also full. All resorts are booked in advance for next Saturday and Sunday. All resorts are booked in advance for next Saturday and Sunday. The influx of travelers to the district is expected to revive the region after a long hiatus, the Wayanad Tourism Association president said.