Air conditioning not allowed in cabs, says Kerala’s health advisory for drivers and passengers

Ever since the World Health organisation has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic, Kerala has been taking all measures to contain the outbreak through strict surveillance and infection control measures. In order to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID among the drivers and passengers the following advisory is issued:

Drivers & crew

  1. The drivers and crew (conductors, cleaners and helpers) should wear three-layer masks at all times during travel and while in public places.
  2. Drivers and crew shall wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer frequently, especially before and after getting in and out of the vehicle.
  3. The passengers shall always be seated on the rear seat of the taxi and not in the front seat.
  4. The driver shall instruct the passengers to cover their nose and mouth with face mask throughout the journey. Those who do not cover the nose and mouth properly shall not be allowed to enter the vehicle.
  5. Always maintain social distancing with passengers and guests (minimum one metre) as far as possible.
  6. Avoid contact with hand baggage and personal items of passengers. Request the passengers to handle the same. If unavoidable, immediately clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub after handling the baggage.
  7. Passenger transporting vehicles (taxis) are advised to have transparent separation (polycarbon sheet or such material) between the front row having driver’s seat and the back seats.
  8. Driver shall not use AC and drive with the windows open to ensure free air circulation inside the vehicle.
  9. Driver shall provide hand sanitizer in the vehicle and give it to all travellers before entering the vehicle.
  10. Consumption of eatables inside the vehicle shall be prohibited.
  11. If driver develops flu-like symptoms (fever, cough cold, throat pain, etc.) he/she shall call DISHA helpline 0471-2552056 or 1056 to know the nearest health facility to report for assistance.
  12. Avoid touching common surfaces like railings, door handles etc as far as possible.
  13. Avoid touching face, lips, nose, eyes, etc.
  14. Avoid physical touch greetings with other persons like handshakes, hugging etc.
  15. Enquire about the health status of the crew/passengers present on the journey, if anyone has flu-like symptoms they should call DISHA for further guidance.
  16. Sick persons should be transported via ambulance.

17.Drivers shall keep a log book with the name, place and phone number
of passengers travelling every day.

  1. Co-drivers, conductors and cleaners shall also practice the measures described above.
  2. Clean and disinfect the vehicle after each journey (using 1% bleach solution, Lysol / Silvox / ecoshield etc). Keep the windows open to ensure that the vehicle is dry before the next journey.


  1. Passengers should ensure that they are not having fever, cough, sore throat or other respiratory symptoms before the journey. Symptomatic persons should not travel.

2 The passengers shall wear masks properly at all times during the

  1. The passengers shall sanitize hands each time while entering or exiting the vehicle as well as frequently while traveling.
  2. The passengers are advised to carry extra masks and sanitizers along with them during the journey.
  3. If any passenger develops symptoms, he/she shall contact DISHA/state helpline phone numbers for guidance on seeking health care. He/she should be provided a separate seat towards the corner of the vehicle.
  4. The passengers shall maintain social distancing while boarding and disembarking large passenger vehicles.
  5. Passengers shall carry minimum luggage and handle their baggage themselves as far as possible.
  6. Passengers are advised to bring only one person to see off or receive.