
Neelakurinji blooms in Rajamala, Munnar

After the rain and floods, Neelakurinji in Rajamala started blooming. This time, flowers are bloomed in a scattered manner, than the usual extensive blooming along the valley to make it a blue-purple carpet. As per experts, if the sun would shine unceasingly in the days to come, there could be extensive blooming. The season may prolong until October.

Visitors are allowed to Rajamala to view the Neelakurinji spots from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Entrance fesses are like Rs 120 for adults and Rs 90 for children. Foreign visitors have to pay Rs. 400.

The only way to reach Rajamala is through the Periavarai Bridge. However, the bridge has been damaged in the floods and it is difficult for vehicles to go until Rajamala. People have to alight at the bridge and walk through a temporary pedestrian bridge to cross the canal and use other vehicles from the other side to reach the entrance of the National Park.

As per the Public Works Department, a temporary bridge will be made within a week’s time to reinstate transportation until the National Park.