Kerala launches exclusive microsite for Neelakurinji season

Photo Courtesy: Balan Madhavan

Neelakurinji (Strobilanthes kunthianus) blooms only once in every 12 years and, the hills of Munnar will soon be painted in a hues of blue. Kerala Tourism has launched a microsite exclusively to welcome the kurinji season.

The new microsite offers you in-depth insights into the ‘Neelakurinji Phenomenon’ through photographs of the blooming in 1982, 1994 and 2006, video clips of the Kurinji and other nearby attractions, the best routes to reach the flowering site at Rajamala, travel writers who share their experiences of having witnessed the flowering in the previous years and also scholarly articles on preserving the endangered Kurinji as well.

“The speciality of the Neelakurinji and the best places to watch it are well detailed in the microsite. It is sure going to help the travellers,” said Kadakampally Surendran, Minister for Tourism, after launching the site. “The microsite will  help attract more tourists to the state and will also educate them about the environmental specialities of the state,” added the minister.

The site was developed with the help of Wildlife Photographers, Scientists, Nature lovers, and Travellers. The microsite provides the details such as how to reach and where to stay to help those who wish to plan their Neelakurinji visit. Around 410 approved accommodation details are also listed in the site. A 21-page brochure regarding Neelakurinji is also attached in the site, which can be easily downloaded as a pdf file. Another interesting feature of the site is the rich gallery which showcases the past blooming seasons of 1982, 1994 and 2006.